Thursday, December 4, 2008

blek le rat, life tips

If you don't know who bleK le rat is, please google him.


Turn off the TV
Wear a seat belt
Quit smoking
Sleep soundly
Use condoms
Exercise routinely
Take a daily aspirin
Get a checkup !!!


"On the first date, you just tell her a lot of lies, and try to get them interested enough to go for a second date."

"If you want to be loved by somebody who isn't already in your family, it doesn't hurt to be beautiful."

"Don't do things like have smelly sneakers.

"One way is to take the girl out to eat. Make sure it's something she likes to eat. French fries usually works for me."


Before you open your mouth, stop and think about how and what you will say. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Calmly. Never, ever raise your voice. If your partner thinks your voice is too loud, it is too loud. If you are too emotional to control yourself, see an MD for a medication evaluation. Inability to control emotions Give up drinking. Alcohol use is associated with anger and violence. Never, ever hit, punch, tap or push your partner or any object. Never, ever walk away from, walk ahead of, roll your eyes, yawn, breath hard, sigh, frown, or make any other unnecessary behavioral expressions of anger towards your partner.
Make eye contact when addressing your partner or replying to them. Acts of omission are no less angry than acts of commission. Your criticism is not "constructive." Do not make threats. Everything you think, do, like, dislike, wear, eat, etc., is your responsibility. Own it. Nobody makes you angry. You do that to yourself. That is why only you can stop it. Respect your partner's position when you disagree. Especially if you disagree. When your partner asks a question, answer the question. If you hurt your partner, apologize. (Apologize because something you did hurt their feelings, not because you did something "wrong.") Accept that.


Dealers make more money on used cars than new cars. Aggressive salesmen: Don't be pressured by lines like 'I've got several people interested in this car, so make a quick decision,"

Evaluating a car:

"Always examine a car in daylight, on a clear and sunny day

Make sure the mileage has not exceeded 15,000 miles per year, that the engine oil is reddish-brown, rather than black and that there is no frame damage underneath the car -- which best indicates whether the car has endured a major accident.

"There should be no broken windows or mismatched tires

Get a feel for how the brakes work because, if they are defective, repair is costly.

Test driving the car on different road conditions, "on hills, highways and in stop-and-go traffic."

The best insurance of not getting screwed."

Nelson shared a personal misfortune that occurred because he chose not to get a car professionally inspected.

"I was driving on the freeway and I looked back and saw my exhaust pipe in the middle of the road," he said. "Even though the engine was new, the frame of the car had 300,000 miles on it that I didn't know about because I didn't have the skills to inspect the car myself." He also warned that you should be aware that men can often obtain a lower price than women can.


Something that I use in my classroom is "give me 5." All I have to do is hold up one of my hands with palm facing out like a stop sign. The fingers represent ?1. Stop talking 2. Put their back against the chair 3. Place their feet on the floor 4. Put their hands in their lap/desk 5. Put eyes on the teacher. You don't have to say anything and the kids are immediately "fixing" themselves. If you teach this at the beginning of the year when you teach your standard procedures the kids will pick it up in no time.

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